Suede sherpa back Coat, Vest and Scarf
Used a Pattern, but as usual, improvised. Looked at peoples coats as they came in and decided to do the seams out and top stitch. Wanted inseam side pockets, but wanted to make the coat reversible. Doubled the pockets so both sides of the pocket were sherpa to feel good on the hands, either way.
SimplicityPattern No. 8467
Pattern with improvised adjustments:

Scraps end became Scarf and Vest
Scarf is just a side strip and used an elastic or bracelet for banding in center instead of knotting... keeps neck toastie.
Pattern for vest-seams only at side and shoulders...ended up sewing down lapels for a more tailored look- made it a little longer than pattern so it would go to bottom of my tunic tops.
For Other Coat Ideas and Pattern Info